The Archive focuses on Egyptian movies from the 20th c. and studying the semiotics of how women are portrayed. For example, the scale, color, typography, relation to the man. etc was documented in website form through interactive layers. 


Sample of research

A content & semiotic analysis of Women’s Health and Men’s Health in the Media.

The semiotics behind the posters Women are shown mentally drifting from the physical scene around them, while in close physical touch with a male, as though his aliveness to the surround and his readiness to cope with anything that might present itself were enough for the both of them. One way to show social weight, especially height, is done by Relative Size.

Women are mainly shown smaller than men to emphasize the gender stereotype of the subordinated feminine. Functional Ranking refers to the fact that men are shown in more controlling, executive, authoritarian or leading roles, such as businessmen or teachers. Women, in contrast, are shown more passive and subordinate. For example, as secretaries or students. “The nuclear family as a basic unit of social organization is well adapted to the requirements of pictorial representation”. 

In the context of family bounding, women are often shown “more akin to their daughters … than is the case with men”. Therefore, a closer connection to childhood and femininity is signified and can lead to the assumption that women share more traits, e.g. weakness, anxiety, with girls, than men do.

Layers on webpage